Saturday, 15 November 2014

Practising the final design

     As we are preparing ourselves to create a nice work for the assessment we practice our designs during the hair lessons as well as at home. So during the hair lesson I tried to create the design my peer made for herself and which I'll make on the assesment day.
    When I asked her to describe her design, she told me that she wants a kind of frizzed frange and an upside-down heart shape covered with straight hait and with two plaits on it. So I frizzed the hair on the top and let it cool down, leaving the pins in the hair. Then I crimped the bottom part of the hair in order to create volume when doing the heart-shaped padding and leaving some straight hair on the top of the crimped hair. After that I devided the hair into 2 equal parts from the crown of the head. I did the padding with the crimped hair and tghen covered it with straight hair leaving out 2 small sections of hair on each part for being able to create 2 fish-tail plaits.
    Here it is the result:

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