- An apron
- Hot crimpers
- Kirby pins
- U-shaped pins
- Padding
- Fake hair
- Hair band
- Red/blue artificial roses
- Hair brush
- Tail-comb
- Hair spray
- Sectioning clips
- 4 small elastics
How to:
- Wash the hands before starting.
- Ask the model to put on the apron and ask if she/he has any allergies.
- Section the hair on the top of the head approximately 4 inches wide, and take it back to just past the crown of the head.
- Using the Hot crimpers, crimp that section of the hair.
- Make two small, tight french plaits just above the ears on each side of the head and tie them with small elastics. Each plait has to be about 4 inches long.
- Divide the crimped hair into two sections horizontaly.
- Make a french plait, where the hair was sectioned, in order to be able to fix the padding.
- Fix the padding with kirby pins and cover it with the crimped hair underneath, using the U-shaped pins.
- Then put the top part of the crimped hair back over the poadding and fix it again with the U-shaped pins.
- Put the fake hair on the bottom of the head by fixing it to the original hair by the clips attached to the fake hair.
- Then put it into a pony-tail and create a bun.
- When the bun is finished, attach the roses into the bun by pushing the stem of the flowers into the bun. Making sure that they are alternating; a red rose and then a blue rose.
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